EU strongly advocates multilingualism as a social tool for interaction, communication, learning and working. As many schools adopt at least two foreign languages, learners acquire linguistic skills for subject content learning which enables them to use both divergent and convergent thinking skills in order to communicate and collaborate efficiently.
Teachers, therefore, need to understand how to scaffold bilingual learners in language acquisition, motivate them to efficiently use the languages in self-discovery and appreciate an opportunity to learn more about cultures.
Creative workshops
Extracurricular activities
Ishodi kursa
- understand the process of language acquisition;
- develop an ability to support students while using two or more languages in their learning;
- adopt bilingual teaching strategies as integrated in everyday classroom practice
- prepare students to use bilingualism as a life skill
Opšti cilj: Podizanje kvaliteta bilingvalne nastave
Obuka ima za cilj da kreativnim pristupom unapredi kvalitet bilingvalne nastave i učini je efikasnijom i produktvinijom.
Teacher: Svetlana Belić Malinić
Dr Svetlana Belic Malinic is a seasoned international thought leader who has been inspiring teachers to experiment with new teaching approaches for more than 20 years. She gained her MA in Educational and Social Research at the UCL Institute of Education, ranked as the world number one for education, whereas she merged her knowledge and experience into a PhD on International Education at the University of Leicester, UK, ranked in the top 1% of universities in the world.
Day 1 - Introduction to EBE
- Understanding language acquisition
- Adopting the concepts of content and language integrated learning (CLIL)
- Linking theories and classroom practice
Day 2 - Great Teaching Toolkit (GTT)
- Understanding the pedagogy for bilingualism
- Recognise the challenges in a bilingual classroom
- Reviewing teaching methods and learning activities in a CLIL context
Day 3 - Assessment for Learning vs Assessment of Learning
- Understanding formative and summative assessment in a bilingual context
- Evaluating the impact of new learning
- Applying assessment strategies
Day 4 - Designing CLIL teaching material
- Understanding the principles of active learning in material design
- Applying CLIL framework in a teaching material design
- Evaluating the impact of active learning in material design
Day 5 - The power of feedback
- Understanding the principles of good feedback
- Using feedback as a pedagogical tool
- Improving teaching and learning based on feedback
Šta dobijate?
Po završetku odabranih kurseva dobijate digitalni sertifikat i digitalni bedž.
Nakon završetka kurseva dobijate sertifikat koji vam pruža mogućnost da sva stečena znanja i nove veštine praktično primenite u poslovnom svetu.
Digitalni bedž je sjajna potvrda uspešno završenog kursa koji vas kvalifikuje za buduće poslovne prilike.
Ocena polaznika
„IMO kroz raznovrsne oblike stručnog usavršavanja zaposlenih u obrazovanju omogućava pojedincima da unaprede svoje kompetencije za obrazovanje u 21. veku, dok je konkretno ovaj kurs pružio implementaciju inovacija, interaktivne nastavne metode i najnovija dostignuća savremene obrazovne tehnologije“.
„Poseta predavanjima i tribinama u organizaciji Instituta, odličan je put za rađanje kreativnih ideja u radu svakog od nas, a takođe i prilika za razmenu iskustava i povezivanje sa stručnjacima različitih profila“.
„Institut je idealno mesto za nastavnike koji žele da napreduju. Sve pohvale za koncept rada, odličmu organizaciju, aktuelne teme i interaktivnost u radu, a posebno za visoku profesionalnost osoblja Instituta, kao i odabirom tema“.